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1. Chapter 1

1.2 Eight great ideas

1.3 C code -> assembly code -> binary code

1.6 Performance: CPI * InstCount * Cycle time

1.7 Power wall

2. Chapter 2

2.2 Arithmetic operations of MIPS

2.3 Operands of MIPS

2.4 Signed and unsigned numbers: integer representation

2.5 Instruction representation: 3 types of Insts

Fig. 2.6, Fig 2.17

2.7 Instructions for Making decision

2.8 Supporting Procedures in MIPS

2.11 Translating and staring a program

2.12 A C Sort example

3. Chapter 3

3.3. Multiplication

3.4 Division

3.5 Floating Point

3.6 Subword Parallelism

4. Chapter 4

4.2 Logic Design Conventions

4.3 Building a datapath

4.5 An Overview of pipelining

4.9 Exceptions

4.10 Parallelim via instructions: ILP (pipeline + multi-issue)

5. Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction: Locality

5.3 The basics of Cache

5.4 Measure cache performance

5.7 Virtual memory

5.8 A Comman Framework for Memory Hierarchy: caching and virtual memory

5.14 Cache blocking

6. Chapter

6.2 Difficulty in parallel programming

6.3 SISD, SIMD, MISD, SPMD and vector

6.4 hardware multithreading

6.5 multicore

6.12 Multiple processors

Concept figures

  1. Memory Hierachy Alt text
custom_mark10 digraph graphname{ { node [shape=box] regFile[rank =same, label="register file"] cache[rank=same, label="cache", fixedsize=true, width=2] mem[rank=same, label="memory", fixedsize=true, width=3] disk[rank=same, label="disk", fixedsize=true, width=4] } regFile -> cache [ label="store inst", tailport=sw, headport=nw] cache -> mem [label="cache replacement", tailport=sw, headport=nw] mem -> disk [ label = "page replacement", tailport=sw, headport=nw] disk -> mem [ label="page fault", tailport=ne, headport=se] mem -> cache [label ="cache miss", tailport=ne, headport=se] cache -> regFile [label="load inst", tailport=ne, headport=se] } custom_mark10